Now, you might be wondering since Windows 10 has been reduced to such a lightweight profile, is it missing features? Well, I extensively tested Tiny10 and everything worked fine without any bugs. We already know Windows 10 comes to a grinding halt, even on a system with 4GB of RAM. And in terms of RAM, you can run Tiny10 on a 32-bit system with just 1GB of RAM, and on a 64-bit system, you can make do with 2GB of RAM, which is nothing short of amazing. On 64-bit systems, Tiny10 takes up to 10GB of disk space. To reduce the installation size by 17GB is just great. A vanilla Windows 10 system takes up to 22GB of space.

For example, if you install Tiny10 on a 32-bit system, it only takes 5.2GB of disk space, which is a breakthrough.